Sound Design


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At Tint we have close partners when it comes to Sound Design which can be tailored depending on the projects needs.

In Stockholm we share our offices and team up with Andreas Andersson, Calle Buddee Roos, Johan Johnson and Felicia Steen Holm at Ponytail Sound

For Gothenburg we have both in-house freelancers and larger Post Sound-vendors to match a wide variety of projects. Since we often coordinate entire post productions, also on an international scale with multiple vendors, don't hesitate to ask us for our current setup in Gothenburg.

Suite Specs

Suite Specs

Technical Details

- A roster that can handle sound supervision, dialogue, FX, music, ADR and mixing

- From Mono to Dolby Atmos Theatrical

- Fully acoustically treated rooms for both sound editorial and design

- ADR in both Stockholm and Gothenburg


Sound Suites 1-3, Stockholm

16 m2

Seats for 6 people

Sound Suites 1-3, Gothenburg

22-14 m2

Seats for 6-4 people